Jess Doyle is a writer of horror and fantasy fiction. Her most notable publications include the novelette M.I.C.H.A.E.L. and spooky stories in The Third Corona Book of Horror Stories and Dark Lane Anthology VII. Jess is active in the online horror community with publications in Ink and Bone Press, Coffin Bell, Molotov Cocktail, Horror Scribes, Zeroflash and Idle Ink. She also occasionally dabbles in poetry.
Jess is currently on Literature Wales’ Representing Wales programme and is developing a young adult graphic novel. She is a neurodivergent writer and a big fan of visual storytelling.
Jess does a lot of work with her local arts centre with a focus on helping the community to explore identity, creativity, and self-expression, particularly through story and the written word. She is Chair of the writing group Caffi Isa Writers which has a focus on nurturing and encouraging writers with diverse needs. She often hosts literary events for Caffi Isa.
Jess lives in Mold, Flintshire with her husband and two teenage children. When she has free time, it is mostly spent reading and daydreaming, and she is also learning the Welsh language. Jess enjoys the company of cats and loves a good graveyard.